Thursday, May 25, 2017

Edison Update 5-25-2017

Good morning!  Hope your summer is off to a great start!  We wanted to say how much we enjoyed getting to know your child(ren) this year and how proud we are of their academic and social growth.  

Although we know you have lots of fun things planned that do not involve school this summer, please continue to promote reading every day!  The Tulsa City County Library’s Summer Reading Program begins Tuesday, May 30th.  We encourage every family to participate!  Here is a link for more information:

I also created some new assignments on the math website that we used this year called Prodigy.  Your student should know how to access their account and it is a free resource. 

This will be the last correspondence you will receive from the Edison area.  I have shared your emails with your student’s new teachers and they will be contacting you later this summer.  It was a great year and we truly enjoyed getting to know you and your students.

Happy summer!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Armstrong Update 5-11-2017

Hello Armstrong Parents!

First of all, the Armstrong team would like to thank everyone for a great Teacher Appreciation Week. It was wonderful to receive such thoughtful notes and gifts from students and parents and you all truly made our week amazing!

We only have 5 more school days until summer is here! This next week will be crazy as we wind down this school year.

Tomorrow morning (Friday, May 12th) we have two important events. 

First is the volunteer breakfast at 7:15am.  Next is the Lifeskill Awards Ceremony at 8:15am. 

We hope to see you all there!

Tuesday morning (May 16th) is all-school shadow day! Students will visit their instructional area for next year from 8:15-10:45 (5th graders will go to the Einstein area).  They will spend this time getting to know their new teachers and looking forward to next year. 

Tuesday night is 5th grade promotion. More information about promotion is at the end of this email, as well as a recap of the information sent to 5th grade parents by Mrs. Smith earlier this week. 

Thursday is the last day of school! A detailed schedule for the day is pending.  Students will receive their yearbooks Thursday. 

5th Grade Information:


- I want to stress first and foremost that this project is intended to be a reflection upon your child's time at Mayo, not a burdensome undertaking which causes stress to you and your child. This is NOT REQUIRED, but it is a great way for you and your child to look back on your time at Mayo and share those times with other Armstrong students and parents.

- The 5th Grade Memory Book is a traditional culmination of a student's time not only during their 5th grade year, but their entire time at Mayo. This can be in the form of a Scrapbook or a Powerpoint/Slideshow (students have been working extensively on Google Slides this year, this could be a great way for them to show off their skills).

- The Memory Book can consist of many things, most often students include pictures from different Mayo activities at school and on field studies, with their friends in and out of school and with their Mayo teachers. You can also include anything else that you think will make your book special or memorable. 

- Memory Books need to be completed and returned to Mrs. Smith by Tuesday, May 16th at noon so that they can be set up for display at the Promotion Reception. Memory Books will be on display in the cafeteria after Promotion for students and parents to look through. We will also provide computers for any slideshows if needed.


- When: Tuesday, May 16th
- Where: Wilson Auditorium
- Time: 6:30PM

- We ask that all 5th graders arrive at Mayo NO LATER THAN 6:15 and meet in Armstrong Large Group Area.

- Promotion is another very special Mayo tradition that both students and teachers look forward to every year. Promotion is a time for 5th grade students to be recognized for their work not on this year, but previous years at Mayo as well. It is a time for students to reflect on their friendships formed with peers and their bonds formed with teachers. 

- There are a couple of things that in my opinion make Mayo's promotion extra special. Every year we like to make future predictions for each 5th grader. This may be done in the form of a story or a guessing game. The other special part of our promotion is the gift bag that each 5th grader will receive, it is filled with 4-5 gifts that represent different lifeskills that students may find themselves relying on during their middle and high school years.

- We will also have a guest speaker joining us to address the students. This is oftentimes a teacher or staff member that the 5th graders choose. This year they voted between many beloved Mayo teachers, past and present. The votes were tallied and Mrs. Corinne Moore (previous Mayo Armstrong and Goodall teacher) will be the guest speaker at this year's Promotion. The students are super excited :)


- We ask that 5th graders dress nicely for promotion, however; it is not a formal dress-up event. What I mean by this is that in the past we have had 5th graders go all out on their dresses and this is not necessary. Students may wear nice slacks, skirt, or a dress and these must follow TPS dress code.

--> Dresses/Skirts must be not shorter than fingertip length.
--> No spaghetti straps for tube tops.
--> No jeans or sweat pants/sweat shirts Heels are not recommended as 
--> students will be walking in the length of the auditorium and walking the stage to receive their promotion flowers.


Last, but certainly not least, the 4th Grade Parents will be hosting a reception in the Mayo Cafeteria immediately following the promotion. There will be cake and refreshments and this is a time for students and families to look through each other's memory books.

Please e-mail me if there is anything that you are unclear on or if you have any questions or concerns. I want to thank you all for trusting us with your children and letting us be such a large part of their lives.


-          May 12 ? Volunteer Breakfast (7:15AM) and Lifeskills Ceremony (8:15AM)

-          May 16 ? All-School Shadow Day (in the morning)

-          May 16 ? 5th Grade Promotion at 6:30PM in Wilson Auditorium

-          May 18 ? Last Day of School for students!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please email your child?s homebase teacher.

Have a wonderful weekend!

The Armstrong Team
Elyse Smith ?
Hunter Najera ?
Alex Guss ?
Julia Tandy ?

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

5th Grade Promotion and Memory Book

Good Morning 5th Grade Parents,

I apologize for the tardiness in this information as many of you have already been asking and I have yet to send it to everyone. 

We are officially less than a week out from our 5th Grade Promotion! I honestly cannot believe this time of year is already here and I really don't want to think about our 5th grade babies leaving us for middle school. I know that this year has been one full of challenges and unknowns, but I am impressed with the grace in which the majority of the 5th graders handled these stressful situations. This is a great group of 5th grade students and your children will be missed greatly, so please remember to come and visit us with stories of your adventures next year!

Now on to the good stuff, Promotion and Memory Book Details...


- I want to stress first and foremost that this project is intended to be a reflection upon your child's time at Mayo, not a burdensome undertaking which causes stress to you and your child. This is NOT REQUIRED, but it is a great way for you and your child to look back on your time at Mayo and share those times with other Armstrong students and parents.

- The 5th Grade Memory Book is a traditional culmination of a student's time not only during their 5th grade year, but their entire time at Mayo. This can be in the form of a Scrapbook or a Powerpoint/Slideshow (students have been working extensively on Google Slides this year, this could be a great way for them to show off their skills).

- The Memory Book can consist of many things, most often students include pictures from different Mayo activities at school and on field studies, with their friends in and out of school and with their Mayo teachers. You can also include anything else that you think will make your book special or memorable. 

- Memory Books need to be completed and returned to Mrs. Smith by Tuesday, May 16th at noon so that they can be set up for display at the Promotion Reception. Memory Books will be on display in the cafeteria after Promotion for students and parents to look through. We will also provide computers for any slideshows if needed.


- When: Tuesday, May 16th
- Where: Wilson Auditorium
- Time: 6:30PM

- We ask that all 5th graders arrive at Mayo NO LATER THAN 6:15 and meet in Armstrong Large Group Area.

- Promotion is another very special Mayo tradition that both students and teachers look forward to every year. Promotion is a time for 5th grade students to be recognized for their work not on this year, but previous years at Mayo as well. It is a time for students to reflect on their friendships formed with peers and their bonds formed with teachers. 

- There are a couple of things that in my opinion make Mayo's promotion extra special. Every year we like to make future predictions for each 5th grader. This may be done in the form of a story or a guessing game. The other special part of our promotion is the gift bag that each 5th grader will receive, it is filled with 4-5 gifts that represent different lifeskills that students may find themselves relying on during their middle and high school years.

- We will also have a guest speaker joining us to address the students. This is oftentimes a teacher or staff member that the 5th graders choose. This year they voted between many beloved Mayo teachers, past and present. The votes were tallied and Mrs. Corinne Moore (previous Mayo Armstrong and Goodall teacher) will be the guest speaker at this year's Promotion. The students are super excited :)


- We ask that 5th graders dress nicely for promotion, however; it is not a formal dress-up event. What I mean by this is that in the past we have had 5th graders go all out on their dresses and this is not necessary. Students may wear nice slacks, skirt, or a dress and these must follow TPS dress code.

--> Dresses/Skirts must be not shorter than fingertip length.
--> No spaghetti straps for tube tops.
--> No jeans or sweat pants/sweat shirts Heels are not recommended as 
--> students will be walking in the length of the auditorium and walking the stage to receive their promotion flowers.


Last, but certainly not least, the 4th Grade Parents will be hosting a reception in the Mayo Cafeteria immediately following the promotion. There will be cake and refreshments and this is a time for students and families to look through each other's memory books.

Please e-mail me if there is anything that you are unclear on or if you have any questions or concerns. I want to thank you all for trusting us with your children and letting us be such a large part of their lives.


Elyse Smith

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Einstein Update 5-9-2017

Einstein News                                          May 9, 2017

The Lifeskill Awards Assembly will be Friday. Parents are welcome and encouraged to come.  All Mayoans will be recognized for a lifeskill they use consistently.  The assembly will be in the Wilson auditorium starting at 8:15. Please make sure your child is here on time that day. We will start heading down to the auditorium at 8:05
Einstein End of Year Bash will be Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at Whiteside Park. We will leave at 9:15 and return to Mayo at 1:45Whiteside Park is located on 41st St between S Harvard and S Yale (4013 S Pittsburg Ave, Tulsa, OK 74135). Einsteins will have a special lunch provided by the teachers (parents will need to bring their own) and we will be visited by a sno cone trolley! Parents are invited to attend any/all of this fun event. Parents will also be able to purchase a sno cone for themselves from the trolley for only $1! Einsteins may wear a Mayo spirit shirt and shorts for this day! As with any Mayo field study, this day is for Einsteins and their parents/grown ups only! If you wish to sign out your Einstein from the park, please do so with your child’s homebase teacher. Please make other arrangements for all siblings. 

Shadow Day is scheduled for Tuesday May, 16. 2nd year Einsteins will spend most of their morning in the Goodall area to meet their future teachers and classmates. 1st year Einsteins will stay in the Einstein area and have visitors from the Armstrong area. The Einsteins are looking forward to this day!

Tuesday, May 16 your Einstein will be cleaning out their cubby. They will bring home their brain break mat, extra clothes and any other items they have collected during the year.

Volunteer Breakfast- Each year we like to honor those people who graciously give their time to volunteer at Mayo.  If you have volunteered in any way, shape, or form this year you are invited to our Volunteer Breakfast on May 12th at 7:15 A.M. in the Mayo Library. We appreciate all your hard work 

Last Day of School is Thursday, May 18, 2017The following information is for Einsteins only. (If you have other Mayo students who are not Einsteins, you will need to check with their instructional area for their dress for the day.)  Einsteins can wear shorts with a Mayo spirit shirt.  Boys may wear their swim trunks instead of shorts.  Students will also need sturdy shoes to wear which can get wet and possibly muddy. Look for more information regarding the last day of school next week!

As always, if you have any questions, please email your child’s homebase teacher.

Amanda Beckman –
Lindsey Regnier –
Suzanne Mason –
Jessica Bond –
Hilary Hancock –

Upcoming Events
May 12                    Volunteer Breakfast @ 7:15 a.m. in Mayo library
May 12                    Lifeskill Awards Ceremony @ 8:15 in Wilson auditorium
May 16                    Shadow Day
May 16                    Cubby clean out
May 17                    Einstein End of Year Bash @ Whiteside Park
May 18                    Last Day of School for students!

TPS Logo 2016_cropped

Amanda Beckman | Einstein Teacher
Mayo Demonstration School, Tulsa Public Schools
1127 S. Columbia Ave. Tulsa, OK 74104

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Goodall Update 5-4-2017

Microsociety was a huge success! If you came to shop today, thank you!  Please ask your child what they learned and what they enjoyed the most.  We will let them spend their “profits” at an auction next week.  

EOY MAP Testing:
The window for End of Year MAP tests in Reading and Math is April 25-May 12th.
We will send home reports and be in touch after the results are compiled. 
We will finish with make-up SRI tests tomorrow.

Important Dates:
May 1st-5th   -  BOGO Book Fair
Friday, May 5th-Breakfast Tacos at Mayo-Mayo parking lot -7:30-8:30 am.
Friday, May 5th  - - ALL Library Books are Due
Friday, May 12th-Volunteer Breakfast (7:15-8:00) and LifeskillsCeremony following the breakfast
Tuesday, May 16th-Shadow Day
Tuesday, May 16th-5th Grade promotion 
Thursday, May 18th-Last day of school

Quick Curriculum Update:  
Shoots Literacy Group: Civil War
Shoots Word Work:   alphabetical order/tricky spellings
Shoots Math: Foundations of Multiplication

Year-Long Theme/Social Studies:   Economics/Microsociety
Roots Word Work:  Writing Process
Roots Literacy:  Astronomy or Animals and Habitats
Roots MathStrategies for Adding 2-digit Numbers (10 more, Number Bonds, etc.)
PLEASE work with your Root on counting by ones, twos, fives, and tens to 120.  This is an area in need of practice in our 1st Grade classes.

Even though we are not sending homework regularly, students should be reading a minimum of 20 minutes each day and practicing their addition and subtraction math facts.

Mrs.  Ms. Molina  
Mrs. Hernandez:   Mrs. Sowle:
Mrs. Bunch:         Mrs. Moreno:

Einstein Update 5-4-2017

Einstein News                                          May 4, 2017

Tomorrow is Spirit Day! Your Einstein may wear a Mayo spirit shirt with regular uniform bottoms.

Tomorrow is the last day for the BOGO (buy one get one free) book fair! You do not want to miss this opportunity to pick up some great books for a great price!

ALL Library Books are due back at Mayo tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the T-town Taco Truck breakfast from 7:30-8:30 a.m. Breakfast tacos and coffee can be purchased from the truck for $3/each! See attached flyer for more details!

Curriculum Update:  This week we have been talking about bees! Why are bees so important? What resources are available to help us learn about bees? (i.e. internet, books, videos, experts, etc.) We also had a visit from OSU’s Traveling Insect Adventure where we got to learn more about bugs and had the opportunity to pet hissing cockroaches, a giant African millipede, roly polies, walking sticks, possum beetles and a whip scorpion. We will end the year with some of our favorite worktime jobs and welcome in summer!

Summer Birthdays: If your Einstein has a birthday during the summer and they would like to celebrate with their homebase by bringing a treat, please contact your child’s homebase teacher so they can schedule a day to celebrate!
Einstein End of Year Bash will be Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at Whiteside Park. We will leave at 9:15 and return to Mayo at 1:45Whiteside Park is located on 41st St between S Harvard and S Yale (4013 S Pittsburg Ave, Tulsa, OK 74135). Einsteins will have a special lunch provided by the teachers (parents will need to bring their own) and we will be visited by a sno cone trolley! Parents are invited to attend any/all of this fun event. Parents will also be able to purchase a sno cone for themselves from the trolley for only $1! Einsteins may wear a Mayo spirit shirt and shorts for this day! As with any Mayo field study, this day is for Einsteins and their parents/grown ups only! If you wish to sign out your Einstein from the park, please do so with your child’s homebase teacher. Please make other arrangements for all siblings. 

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) – Second year Einsteins are almost finished with the MAP test! This is the last time second year Einsteins will have to take this test this year. We will share these scores with you once they are made available. 

Volunteer Breakfast- Each year we like to honor those people who graciously give their time to volunteer at Mayo.  If you have volunteered in any way, shape, or form this year you are invited to our Volunteer Breakfast on May 12th at 7:15 A.M. in the Mayo Library. We appreciate all your hard work 

As always, if you have any questions, please email your child’s homebase teacher.

Amanda Beckman –
Lindsey Regnier –
Suzanne Mason –
Jessica Bond –
Hilary Hancock –

Upcoming Events
May 1-5                     BOGO Book Fair 
May 5                        Taco Truck Breakfast 7:30-8:30(outside of the cafeteria)
May 5                        ALL library books are due
May 5                        Spirit Day (Mayo spirit shirt and regular uniform bottoms)
May 12                      Volunteer Breakfast @ 7:15 a.m. in Mayo library
May 12                      Lifeskill Awards Ceremony (more details to come)
May 17                      Einstein End of Year Bash @ Whiteside Park
May 18                      Last Day of School for students!

TPS Logo 2016_cropped

Amanda Beckman | Einstein Teacher
Mayo Demonstration School, Tulsa Public Schools
1127 S. Columbia Ave. Tulsa, OK 74104