Thursday, November 17, 2016

Armstrong Update 11-17-2016

Greetings and salutations Armstrong Parents!
Well we are on the home stretch towards Thanksgiving!!! I am ready to gobble till I wobble!!!

Note Passing- Parents please talk to your child about note passing. It is starting to become a problem in the Armstrong Area. It is an inconvenience to all involved and is leading to people getting their feelings hurt. 

John Smith Game-We have started studying about Jamestown in our Social Studies classes. There is a great website for students to get on where they can watch short videos about John Smith and his contributions to the colony of Jamestown as well as play games related to Jamestown. This is a great website for students to use interactively if they have extra time at home. 

Jog-a-thon- We had so much fun at the Jog-a-thon last Friday and appreciate your support continuing to collect those per lap pledges.  As soon as you have collected all of the money, please send your envelope back to school.  The deadline for returning the money is Monday, November 28th.

Elementary Parent-School Contract- We are still missing a good amount of Elementary Parent-School Compacts.  If you have not read and discussed this with your child, please do so and return the form with your signatures at the bottom.  Please return this as soon as possible.  Thanks for your help!

Thanksgiving Community Day/ Picture Day- Next Tuesday (November 22nd) is the Mayo Thanksgiving Lunch and Community Day.  RSVP were due Wednesday (November 16).

Middle School Visits- Parents are welcome to attend if they have any questions concerning these two schools.
-Carver Middle School will be visiting with the 5th grade class on November 18th at 1:45 p.m.

Book Orders- We will be sending home Scholastic book orders today. Please have them returned to your student’s home base teacher by the end of November

Air and Space Field Study- Our next field study will be on December 9th. If you would like to volunteer as a chaperon please e-mail your student’s home base teacher.

-          TONIGHT!!! November 17th from 6:00-6:30 is a middle school informational meeting at Mayo. There will be a 5thgrade meeting immediately afterwards. 
-          Thoreau Shadow Day will be Wednesday November 30th. This day is set aside specifically for Mayo students to shadow with a Thoreau 6th grader to see what a day is like. This is a great opportunity to see what Thoreau has to offer and if it is the right fit for you and your child. You must call Thoreau to put your child’s name on the schedule for this day. You will need to drop your child off and pick them up from Thoreau on this day as well.

November 22 –Thanksgiving Community Day, family pictures, individual picture retakes (in school uniforms)
November  23-25- Thanksgiving Break
Novemeber 30- Thoreau Shadow Day
December 9- Field Study to Air and Space Museum

Please email your child’s homebase teacher if you have any questions or concerns!
Elyse Smith –
Alex Guss –
Hunter Najera –

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