Friday, January 20, 2017

Armstrong Update 1-19-2017

Apologies for the late newsletter distribution! Happy weekend everyone!

Dear Armstrong Families,

We don't much news this week.  Important dates are below, along with a 5th grade note of importance.

A problem has arisen regarding some sort of silly puddy, or goo...slime.  We appreciate that students are making products and exploring the free market concept, but it is ending up in carpet and causing distraction in class.  Please do not allow such items to be imported into our school.  It will be exported and to a garbage yard if found by staff.

A coffee maker is still gracing us, but does desire its owners support.

A note from the Einsteins.
Special Request We are in the process of organizing a vehicle fair for the Einsteins. If you know of someone who has a unique vehicle (for example: limo, rock crawler jeep, art car, moving truck, tow truck, semi, etc.), please give their contact information to Miss Mason (



- Armstrong Enrichment Classes – During the 2nd quarter, we had time set aside for fun enrichment classes that involved learning beyond the required curriculum. We will be postponing the startup of these classes until the February as we have several Monday’s during January that not all of the staff will be here and able to facilitate with these classes.

- Mayo Trivia Night Saturday January 28th – Look for information coming home with your child today about signing up for this awesome even to help raise money for the Mayo Foundation!

- 5th Grade Pancake Breakfast – more details to follow in next week’s newsletter. Look for an informational flyer for your 5th grader to being home today. Flyer is attached to the email as well.

January 23-27 – Armstrong SRI and SMI testing
January 23 – 5th Grade Girls Growth and Development Video (1:15-2:00)
January 25 – 5th Grade Boys Growth and Development Video (1:15-2:00)
January 28 – 5th Grade Pancake Breakfast (9-12)
January 28 – Mayo Trivia Night at the Campbell Hotel (7:00-10:30)

Please email your child’s homebase teacher if you have any questions or concerns!
Elyse Smith –
Alex Guss –
Hunter Najera –

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